As you learn to invest, seek the knowledge and assistance from those who know more than you and have done what it is you want to do. Seek counsel from others before you go to the next step and never stop learning. There is so much free information on the web to get you started but if you are really serious about mastering whatever it is you want to learn about - in this case your financial literacy - then don't be afraid to spend money to gain that knowledge. Always do your due diligence. In other words, investigate, research and ask questions before you spend any money but don't be afraid to do so. Getting free info is a great start but it is free and therefore limited. The more sophisticated information you will need for ultimate success must be paid for. You have to be willing to put some "skin" your own in the game and take the plunge. Don't be afraid - just do your homework and ask all the questions you need to ask before you give your hard earned money. Start with If you don't like Robert Kiyosaki, start with or or or Brooke Stephens, author of Wealth Happens One Day at a Time, or check out the Dynamic Diva, Elon Bomani, or if you're sure you don't want your own business but you want to have a side hustle, that's ok too because there's something for everyone - check out and you can keep your day job - Hotep will show you exactly how to use your 9-5 to jump start your 5-9. Any of these dynamic individuals can get you started toward your financial literacy and ultimately your financial freedom. Well, what are you waiting for? Get Debt Free and Money Smart.
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