Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Robert Kiyosaki of Rich dad.com Explains Ponzi Schemes

We have all heard of Madoff ripping off his clients for $50 Billion and  is serving time for his crime deservedly so.

Robert Kiyosaki writes a great article explaining what a Ponzi scheme is and how you may be involved in one and not know it.

Read. Learn. Check it out,


Monday, December 10, 2012

Are You In Debt?

I am. I was going through the first page of David Neagle's Money Map book
and I looked at everything I was paying and it was ALL Debt. I said, "Damn"--
that is not good. I appreciate David' s book because it helped me really see where I am at financially compared to where I want to be. I am pissed at myself for allowing  myself to get into this situation.

Since I am taking 100 percent responsibility for my life, I won't complain. I will pay off this debt and take steps to increase the cash flow in my life by learning how to  build a successful business and not get in bad debt ever again. No more credit card and doodad debt for me.

 I realized that as long as I was paying off Debt, I was NOT building Wealth. I' d much rather be doing that; wouldn't you?

Whether you want to own a business or not, you should take control of your finances and check out David Neagle' s Money Map or David Bach or Suze Orman, Michelle Singletary or whoever has debt payment -- how to -- info you can put into action.
 You won't be sorry.

To your Health and Wealth,

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Do you know how much it Costs for the Life you and your Family are Living?

Well, do ya? When was the last time you sat down and took a piece of paper
 and added up your bills on an ANNUAL basis?  Well thanks to David Neagle of www.lifeisnow.com, and his Money Map, I did that today and WOW. It was so telling. It helps you to see how you're living and what you are spending.

This tool is used by entrepreneurs but I would encourage anyone who spends money, has a family, etc. to do this exercise. It showed me what I value and forced me to look at what I am spending my money on and ask do I really need that?

If you're curious or serious, check out the Money Map. You will be surprised but empowered too!

To your Health and Wealth,

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Pay Yourself First

Do you pay yourself first or do you pay your bills first and then try to save from what is leftover?

Unfortunately, most of us do and this is NOT the way to build wealth or prepare for that rainy day.

Frankly, if you don't pay yourself first then why are you going to work everyday?

Please don't say to pay your bills. Paying your bills cannot be the only reason you
go to work.

It doesn't take a lot of money to do this but do this you must in order to have control over your finances and to build wealth.

Start small if you have to. Most people say to pay yourself ten percent, David Bach says women should pay themselves 12%. I have started paying myself 20% of every piece of money that I get. But I must confess it has not always been like this. I was petrified to pay myself anything at all. I used to feel that pain in the pit of my stomach when I first started to pay myself. I decided to keep doing it because I knew it would be better for me so I continued to do it and now it is so empowering to know that I have money when I need it. You have to create the habit of paying yourself first.

If it feels funny at first, that's ok push through that feeling and keep doing it. It won't be long before you will look forward to paying yourself.

Remember, you and your family are a living corporation known as a family and you have to pay your corporation family.

Do it! You won't be sorry.

To Your Wealth!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Get all Three credit scores Free!

Yes that's right all three free by going to www.scoresense.com.

But! Beware! This is a 7-day trial so if You forget to cancel before

the seventh day, they will get you for $29.95. Ask me how I know.

The good thing is you will get to see all three of your scores (Experian,

Equifax and TransUnion)  at once for the refundable $1.00 fee.

If you order, I would suggest that you order, print them out right

then and cancel immediately or you will get charged $29.95 - Ouch!

This is a great way to start the new year off knowing where you stand

financially and put a plan together to get out of debt and start or

renew your savings plan.

To Your Health and Wealth,

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Now that President Barack Obama is President again, What's Next for You and Me?

Well, does it really matter? Don't get me wrong, if Mitt Romney would have won I would be feeling quite another way altogether.

I am pleased as punch that it is President Obama not President Romney but once again I ask what now? What's next? And does it really matter?

I truly believe that is a question we all decide collectively as well as individually. Why do I say that? Because collectively the larger majority wanted President Obama to win and we came together and made that happen and that's a beautiful thing. I did my part and those who didn't do not bother to complain now.

We Are Moving Forward!

Now, while the President is working on creating 12 million jobs and getting the middle class back where it needs to be, etc. etc. etc., what will you and I be doing on a more individual basis? You can't be sitting around waiting for that job to knock on the door. What are you going to be doing? Sitting around watching tv, feeling sorry for yourself. Are you gonna go back to school and learn how to fix that computer, air conditioning, etc?  Let me share with you this excerpt from Napoleon Hill's, Law of Success:

         "....It is most appalling to know that 95% of the people
without the slightest conception of the work for which they
are best fitted, and with no conception whatsoever of
even the need of such a thing as a definitive objective
toward which to strive."

So while President Obama is moving forward to get America back to work at 12 million jobs strong, let us all get ready by not drifting aimlessly but by taking the time to find out which jobs we are best suited for so when the
time comes we are all moving forward in the right direction.



Thursday, October 18, 2012

The female side of Money

Women of all races are usually looked upon  to take care of everyone including herself and we usually leave the one person neglected that needs her the most - Herself.

Yes, repeatedly women give themselves the short end of the stick since we are by nature nurturers, we tend to take care of everyone except ourselves. The problem with that picture is there will be no one left to take care of us when it's our turn.

I read an article in the March 2012 issue of Black Enterprise Magazine about wealth statistics concerning women and it was frightening what I read about African-American women:

If you are a single African-American woman, you have a median wealth of
$100 compared to $7900 for single black men and $41,500 for single white

If you have a car, then your wealth jumps to $5000 but remember a car is a
depreciating asset.

Social Security is the only source of retirement income for more than 25%
of black women -- Ouch!

This study was conducted by Lifting as We Climb released by the Insight
Center for Community Economic Development.

Do you want to learn how to behave like a Wealthy Woman?

It's not too late to learn.

To Your Wealth!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Are You an Asset or a Liability?

Well, hopefully you always know that you are an asset but most corporations think of us as liabilities because we cost the corporations too much to take care of us when we retire. They have to pay a pension and cover our medical care until we pass away. Well aren't we worth it? Didn't we work faithfully and loyally for 40 years or so and so we deserve it right?

Well guess what? Corporations look at their bottom line and have decided that you are not worth their having to take care of you anymore. How have they shown their love?

Can you say OUTSOURCE?

That's right. Corporations have decided that we are Liabilities. So what are we going to do about it? Get mad. Protest.

I say BECOME FINANCIALLY LITERATE and take care of you, your family, community and house of worship without having to worry about big corporations.

If you want to check out a success system for self improvement check out my good friend Mr. Tycoon's book, Success is not a Secret, It's a System. Or if  you don't have a desire for your own business but you want to get a side hustle going, check out Hustle While You Work.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Are You Back to Work?

If you are that is great. It means the economy may slowly be returning to some semblance of normal whatever normal means. However, we still are a far cry from where we were in 1999 or 2000. During that time we were truly prospering in all areas of our life. We were buying bigger homes and cars and more of everything we probably needed. There are those that say we don't need
those bigger homes or cars and that is where the problem itself started. There may be some truth to that and I will come back to that. However I want to speak about something else that I believe just as important and may in fact be more important. Self development may have a lot to do with why many of us are stuck in a rut and just going through the motions of living life. I just created an acronym for life the other day that I would like to share with you - Love and Laughter (with a) Feeling (of)Intense Energy Enthisiasm and Excitement - LIFE. How do we accomplish this? By improving our individual selves so that we don't have to get bigger homes and cars in order to compensate for something lacking within. Not that we can't or shouldn'thave bigger homes or cars; you might have a big family or if you have the financial literacy to acquire such things because you knew how to do it correctly not because it was a emotional response. Now Go Live Your Best Life but first gain your financial literacy.